Network Neutrality

Commissioner Brendan Carr Says Broadband Needs Policy Agenda Free From Political Interference

Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr said he is committed to pushing for permanent principles for broadband and data regulation. And he would like to see those principles — including how the FCC should operate and regulate — insulated from political swings every election by codifying them in law. Noting the long-lasting effects of the pandemic, he said people are looking for stability and long-term solutions for the digital divide.

FCC Commissioner Simington Maiden Speech to the Free State Foundation

While the present day may not be perfect, I don’t think anyone disputes that we have fulfilled the promise of the deregulatory era. Prior to the Telecom Act, it was far from a foregone conclusion that we would graduate to a more efficient, competitive system. A change in national direction could have sent us back to the incumbent-driven system of midcentury. Instead, we came together, chose the free market and a light regulatory touch, and a quarter century of transformative innovation speaks to the wisdom of this choice.

The Biden presidency: What it means for tech

President Joe Biden's presence in the Oval Office over the next four years will have a major influence on the tech sector, including infrastructure policy on broadband deployment and national security issues involving Chinese tech companies. The president and his team will also play a role in how to handle the growth and influence of social media giants.

Pandemic proves need for net neutrality, open internet

If it wasn’t obvious before, the coronavirus pandemic makes clear the need for an open internet with broadband access for all Americans. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the broadband industry to see the light on control of the internet. AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, T-Mobile and other major Internet service providers aren’t backing away from their goal of raking in billions by charging websites more for priority access to the internet. The providers are hoping Republicans will regain the White House in 2024 and once again roll back net neutrality provisions.

Net Neutrality Reconsideration Petition Filed at FCC

More fans of network neutrality rules have asked the Federal Communication Commission to return its bright-line rules against blocking, throttling and paid prioritization, saying eliminated those rules has negatively impacted connectivity at a time -- during the COVID-19 pandemic -- when connectivity is a key public interest priority.

Department of Justice drops suit against California net neutrality rule, but broadband providers are still fighting it

The Biden administration has abandoned a Trump-era lawsuit that sought to block California's network neutrality law.

Public Knowledge Petitions FCC to Begin Reconsidering Trump-Era Broadband Deregulation

Public Knowledge filed a petition asking the Federal Communications Commission to reconsider the agency’s determination under Chairman Pai that its deregulatory agenda was more important than public safety, the infrastructure access necessary for broadband competition, or universal service.

INCOMPAS to FCC: Time to Kick Start Net Neutrality Action

INCOMPAS -- the internet and competitive networks association, representing local fiber builders, streaming services, social media and internet innovators -- filed a Petition for Reconsideration at the Federal Communications Commission, highlighting the lack of competition in the broadband market and how this threatens streaming prices and growth.

Comcast CEO Roberts Seeks More ‘Permanent’ Footing for Net Neutrality Laws

Perhaps no chief executive lobbied harder than Comcast’s Brian Roberts for the Federal Communications Commission's 2017 rollback of net neutrality rules under Trump-appointed FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.

Pressure builds on President Biden, Democrats to revive net neutrality rules

More than three years ago, Jessica Rosenworcel could only react in horror as her Republican counterparts on the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal the US government’s net neutrality rules. Now, Acting FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel controls the very commission she once criticized for failing to heed the public’s outcry.