Who owns, controls, or influences media and telecommunications outlets.
Why Diversity Should Be a Part of the Media-Merger Conversation
Major changes are afoot in Hollywood, spurred by a pattern of rapid corporate media consolidation. While these mergers have received critical attention, the conversation has largely ignored something else big: the implications that this media maneuvering may have for diversity in media representation. More specifically, given Hollywood’s historically barbed relationship with onscreen diversity, it makes sense to ask: How might issues of diversity play out in—and affect—the merger review process, if at all? Could it actually make things worse?
Former AZ Sheriff Arpaio files libel suit against New York Times, claiming it undercut his chances to run again for Senate
Joe Arpaio, the former AZ sheriff who finished a distant third in 2018 in a Republican Senate primary, filed a libel suit against the New York Times and a member of its editorial board, arguing that they had undercut his chances for another run.
FTC Tackles Antitrust in Labor Markets
Federal Trade Commissioner Rohit Chopra set the stage for the agency’s look at tech platforms by focusing on how digital marketplaces harvest data, and how operators set the rules for buying and selling in the marketplaces.
Paul Allen, Microsoft co-founder
Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft and a prominent leader of both business and philanthropy in the Seattle area, stamped his mark on the city’s economy and culture as well as its skyline as he pursued a wide range of passions from science to sports.
Deposition: AT&T CEO raised idea of selling CNN to head off antitrust challenge
AT&T chief executive officer Randall Stephenson floated the idea of selling CNN when he met with Justice Department antitrust chief Marakan Delrahim in Nov 2017 in an attempt to head off a government lawsuit challenging the company's proposed takeover of Time Warner, according to a deposition.
The two-day event will examine the role of intellectual property in promoting innovation from academic, economic, and industry perspectives. The sessions also will examine emerging trends in patent quality and litigation, and include the FTC’s first wide-scale exploration of copyright issues. Drew Hirshfeld, Commissioner for Patents for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, will present a keynote address on October 24.
9:00-9:15 am Welcome and Introductory Remarks
- Noah Joshua Phillips Federal Trade Commission
9:15-9:45 am Presentation: Vertical Mergers
- Steven Salop Georgetown University Law Center
9:45-11:00 am Vertical Mergers (Session 1)
The Growth of Sinclair's Conservative Media Empire
Sinclair is the largest owner of television stations in the United States, with a hundred and ninety-two stations in eighty-nine markets. It reaches thirty-nine percent of American viewers. It’s unclear whether Sinclair is attempting to influence the politics of its viewers or simply appealing to positions that viewers may already have—or both.
DOJ Slams AT&T 'Revisionist' Defense of Time Warner Deal
The Justice Department has minced no words in its reply to AT&T's defense of its purchase of Time Warner, telling a federal court that the company's brief was "little more than a revisionist 58-page summary of the district court’s opinion." Antitrust chief Makan Delrahim said AT&T's brief "never resolves the district court’s erroneous rejection of the economics of bargaining and the principle of corporate-wide profit maximization, which are the basis of our appeal.” DOJ sasy the court's main error was "that the merger will not increase AT&T’s bargaining leverage."
Sen Mark Warner (D-VA) Is Coming for Tech's Too-Powerful
A Q&A with Sen Mark Warner (D-VA).