
Profiles of the people who make or influence communications policy.

What Jared's office actually does

When a dozen and a half CEOs of the world’s biggest tech companies descended on the White House in June, it turned a spotlight on one of the bigger mysteries of a mysterious White House: They were convened by the Office of American Innovation, the new operation being run by presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Announced with much fanfare by the president in March, the office was set up to bring “new thinking and real change” to the country’s toughest problems, according to Trump, in part by drawing on the lessons of the private sector. Since then, observers have been wondering just what it was, or even if it was. It didn’t help that the sweep of its briefing was almost comically broad, from upgrading federal government’s $82 billion worth of information technology, to spurring the creation of new jobs, changing how the country thinks about apprenticeships and "unleashing American business." Not to mention working with sometimes-antagonist Chris Christie’s commission on tackling the United States' opioid epidemic. (And all this while Kushner is also supposed to be tackling Middle Eastern peace.) But over the past few weeks, its responsibilities have started to come into focus. It now has a staff, which worked behind the scenes to bring in the impressive roster of tech CEOs who attended the summit—Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Apple’s Tim Cook, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, IBM’s Ginni Rometty and more. It spurred the decision by the Veterans Administration to buy a new, multibillion-dollar computer system. And it had a hand in Trump’s executive order on apprenticeships, issued before the meeting.

White House refutes reports that Science and Technology office unstaffed

An official from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) said the department's science division is staffed, despite a report saying the last three employees of the division left last week. It was reported on June 30 that the three staffers, who were holdovers from the Obama administration, departed the office last week, leaving the science division unstaffed. However, an OSTP official said there are currently 35 employees in OSTP, and 12 employees in the department's science division, adding that the division is organized and divided differently under the Trump administration compared to the Obama administration.

FCC: Brendan Carr, You Complete Me

[Commentary] On June 28, 2017, President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Brendan Carr for the last remaining open seat on the Federal Communications Commission. Actually, you might call it a “double nomination”: Carr is being put forth to complete the remaining term of former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler which expires June 30, 2018, AND a second full term beginning the next day. The nomination, officially sent to the Senate on June 29, will likely be paired with that of former FCC Jessica Rosenworcel. The two are likely to get a confirmation hearing before the Senate Commerce Committee in July. Here’s a short introduction to Brendan Carr and a look at what his nomination might mean for the FCC moving forward. If you like what the FCC has been doing since Chairman Pai took the reins, the recent nominations and hoped-for confirmations are great news. Writing in The Verge, Jacob Kastrenakes notes, “the FCC will be able to start accomplishing a lot more.” Why? The FCC has only had three commissioners this year and “That’s meant fewer people to deal with day-to-day regulatory issues, less expertise on the many technical questions the commission faces, and the potential for stalled votes, since a minimum of three commissioners is needed to approve new policies.” In short, a full FCC gives the commission’s majority a firmer hold. Once three commissioners vote on an item, the other two are forced to take a vote, too, and Republicans can use that to move things along at a quicker pace. They also no longer face the threat of the lone Democrat on the commission skipping a vote so that an item can’t go through, Kastrenakes wrote.

Chairman Pai Announces Hudson To Serve As Director Of The Office Of Workplace Diversity

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced that the agency has chosen Larry Hudson to serve as Director of the Office of Workplace Diversity, continuing the work he has been doing as acting director.

Prior to joining the FCC in 2015, Hudson served as the Chief, Employee and Labor Relations for the Bureau of Administration, Bureau of Information Resource Management, and Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations at the State Department. He has held positions at the Federal Transit Administration, Federal Aviation Administration and the National Park Service. Hudson possesses more than 20 years of labor and employee relations experience from the private, public and military sectors. His initial introduction to human resources came while he served active duty in the US Air Force. Hudson is a trained mediator, formerly certified by the Virginia Supreme Court. He has also obtained the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) practitioner certification. He has a Master of Science Degree in Human Resources Management from Chapman University, a Master of Science Degree in Administration from Central Michigan University, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management from the University of Maryland.

Safe is the Word for Trump's FCC, Thankfully

[Commentary] The newly constituted Federal Communications Commission is conservative and deregulatory, but in a way you would expect had any of the establishment Republicans won the White House last November. When Trump won, I worried that he would stack the FCC with nut-job loyalists so that he could follow through with his threats against the media. Luckily, that didn't happen.

President Trump’s latest FCC nomination could seal net neutrality’s fate

President Donald Trump has nominated the Federal Communications Commission's general counsel Brendan Carr to be the agency’s third Republican commissioner — a move that could ensure the end of net neutrality regulations. Carr’s ties to big telecom could help tip the upcoming net neutrality vote in favor of deregulation, since FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s proposal to roll back net neutrality rules will likely pass along party lines — as it did for Democrats in 2015.

FCC Commissioner Clyburn Watch

The term of Federal Communications Commission member Mignon Clyburn technically expires June 30, although she can stay on through 2018. But she was quick to say she has no immediate plans to depart when asked in an interview for C-SPAN's “The Communicators.” “I have not heard, and I have not made any plans. I haven’t turned in any paperwork. I haven’t even talked to ethics about my series of next steps," Commissioner Clyburn said. "I am here to serve. I am pleased that I have the opportunity to do so, and I will continue to be an advocate of those who don’t have a voice." The interview also touches on mergers, prison phone calls and broadband privacy.

Reactions to Nomination of Brendan Carr for FCC Commissioner

President Donald Trump on June 28 signaled his intention to nominate Brendan Carr, Federal Communications Commission general counsel and a longtime aide to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, to fill the remaining Republican commissioner seat on the FCC.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai: “I congratulate Brendan Carr on the President’s announcement that he will be nominated to serve as an FCC Commissioner. Brendan has a distinguished record of public service, having worked at the agency for over five years, including most recently as the FCC’s General Counsel. In particular, Brendan’s expertise on wireless policy and public safety will be a tremendous asset to the Commission. I look forward to working with him in his new role and wish him all the best during the confirmation process.”

FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn: “I congratulate Brendan Carr on being nominated by the President to serve as a Commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission. He is well respected on both sides of the aisle and has demonstrated a deep knowledge of the legal and policy issues facing the communications sector, both as an advisor to then Commissioner Pai and now as General Counsel of the agency. Brendan is a great asset to the Commission and I wish him a successful Senate confirmation.”

FCC Commissioner Michael O'Rielly: “I congratulate Brendan Carr on his selection by President Trump for a seat at the FCC. Mr. Carr will be an added voice at the Commission in efforts to reduce senseless regulations and install sound policymaking. I look forward to working with him in his new capacity, pending consideration of the nomination by the U.S. Senate.”

Will Johnson, Verizon senior vice president, federal regulatory and legal affairs: "Brendan Carr is an excellent choice for the Federal Communications Commission. With years of experience at the Commission, he has a deep knowledge and understanding of the critical issues that impact our industry. He’ll hit the ground running on vital issues such as encouraging deployment of 5G and next-generation networks, promoting public safety, and closing the digital divide. Mr. Carr is a dedicated public servant with a strong commitment to market-oriented policies that will foster innovation and investment. We expect him to play an important role as the agency helps usher in a new era of innovation and opportunity in the broadband and communications space.”

Robert Quinn, AT&T Senior Executive Vice President of External and Legislative Affairs: “President Trump’s nomination of Brendan Carr comes at a critical point as our nation embarks on transitioning to the next generation wireless communications infrastructure. His commitment to public service and wide range of expertise, especially in the areas of wireless technology and spectrum policy, make him the perfect choice. Brendan Carr will be a tremendous asset to Chairman Pai and his fellow Commissioners. We urge Congress to quickly proceed with his confirmation.”

Michael Powell, president of NCTA: The Internet & Television Association: “We congratulate Brendan Carr on his well-deserved nomination as FCC commissioner. With his impressive public and private sector experience, Brendan is steeped in the important issues that the FCC will tackle in the coming years. We urge Congress to act quickly on his nomination and look forward to working with Brendan and the entire commission on policies that will promote marketplace investment and innovation for the benefit of American consumers.”

American Cable Association president Matt Polka: "ACA believes Brendan Carr is an excellent choice to serve on the FCC, and we support President Trump for making this nomination. Brendan Carr is a highly regarded attorney with a wide-ranging understanding of modern communications law and regulation. His addition will enhance the FCC's ability to arrive at sound policy conclusions that will serve the public interest, particularly with regard to ensuring that all Americans, wherever they may live, have a robust connection to the Internet. ACA looks forward to working not only with Brendan Carr but also with FCC commissioner-designate Jessica Rosenworcel after both have been confirmed by the Senate," Polka added. "ACA urges the Senate to act on these nominations expeditiously."

USTelecom CEO Jonathan Spalter: “Brendan Carr is an outstanding nominee to round out a full Commission. His wealth of telecommunications experience will help the agency fully realize its mission of protecting consumers while adopting policies that encourage more broadband innovation and investment. In his time at the FCC, he has always worked with integrity, fairness, and a deep commitment to public service. USTelecom and its members look forward to working with Brendan, and we encourage the Senate to confirm him and former Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel soon.”

Internet Innovation Alliance: “We warmly congratulate Brendan Carr on his nomination to be a Commissioner of the FCC. His long experience and knowledge of communications policy will serve him well in this new position. We expect he will work to ensure that the United States will remain the world’s leader in telecommunications, promoting innovation and competition and remembering that the private sector is the source of innovation more often than the government."

Mobile Future chief policy adviser Robert McDowell: “On behalf of Mobile Future, I congratulate my friend Brendan Carr on being nominated to serve as a Commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Brendan’s broad and deep expertise on wireless legal and policy issues will be a tremendous asset to the FCC as it pursues a forward-looking agenda focused on ensuring that America remains the world leader in mobile communications. Freeing up more spectrum and removing unnecessary barriers that delay the deployment of the infrastructure needed for cutting-edge 5G technologies are essential to spurring the American economy. Brendan has an ideal background and regulatory philosophy to produce policies that will bring positive and constructive change to the benefit of all Americans.”

National Association of Broadcasters president Gordon Smith: "NAB strongly endorses the nomination of Brendan Carr to the FCC. He has a firm grasp on telecom and media law and the right temperament to be a superb Commissioner. We support his swift confirmation."

CTIA president Meredith Attwell Baker: “CTIA and the wireless industry congratulate Brendan Carr on his nomination as an FCC Commissioner. He is an accomplished and talented attorney who understands the importance of wireless to consumers and the U.S. economy. The FCC is focused on a range of wireless issues, including infrastructure siting for next generation 5G wireless networks, and we hope his nomination will be swiftly approved by the Senate.”

Chairman Pai to speak at Koch-backed event

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai is set to speak at an event in August put on by Americans for Prosperity, a group backed by GOP mega-donors Charles and David Koch. Chairman Pai will give remarks at the organization’s annual "Defending the Dream" summit in Richmond (VA) on Aug 19, which its website bills as a “conference is the chance for activists, staff and free market leaders to come together and learn how to be more effective advocates for freedom.” Americans for Prosperity’s free market and conservative ideology squares up with Chairman Pai’s. The FCC chairman has called for reducing regulation at the commission in favor of letting the market forces make decisions instead. Americans for Prosperity has praised the chairman’s plan.

Sen Cruz Delays Redl’s NTIA Confirmation Vote

Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) is slowing down the Senate Commerce Committee vote on National Telecommunications and Information Administration nominee David Redl, apparently because the senator is seeking assurances related to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) transition that took place in 2016. While the transition itself has already happened, Sen Cruz continues to have questions about NTIA’s approach to internet governance.

Redl fielded a series of queries from Sen Cruz on this very issue during his confirmation hearing, and noted that it’s “difficult to put the genie back in the bottle,” when asked if he thought the transition had been “wise and prudent.” Redl had his confirmation hearing alongside National Transportation Safety Board nominee Robert Sumwalt and Department of Transportation nominee Derek Kan, both of whom are slated for a vote during the Commerce Committee markup June 29. Redl’s vote is now slated for July, according to an aide for the committee. Cruz’s office declined to comment on the matter.