
Electromagnetic frequencies used for wireless communications


Schools, Health, and Libraries Broadband Coalition

Thu, 02/21/2019 - 21:00

What do the gaps in your TV channels, the "homework gap", Educational Broadband Service (EBS), and 5G all have in common? All are current hot topics in the field of broadband spectrum, which has been buzzing with activity over the last few years. It’s all very exciting, but can be difficult to follow for those new to the spectrum policy sphere.

“Key Concepts in Spectrum Policy” offers the need-to-know background on the different licensing regimes, the key proceedings at the FCC, the relationship between spectrum and 5G, and why it all matters for community anchor institutions.

Tech and utilities clash over proposed FCC rule to allow unlicensed users to access the 6GHz band

The Federal Communications Commission recently proposed a new rule that will allow unlicensed users to access the 6 GHz band — a frequency on the radio spectrum — for Wi-Fi connectivity, causing a disagreement between broadband companies that would benefit from the rule and utility companies that currently rely on the frequency to communicate. The FCC reserves portions of the 6 GHz band for communications between licensed electric, water and natural gas utilities companies.

400 MHz of Mid-band Spectrum for 5G will add $274 Billion to America’s Economy, Create 1.3 Million Jobs

Making 400 MHz of mid-band spectrum available for commercial 5G networks will add $274 billion to the U.S. economy and create 1.3 million new jobs, according to new research from Analysis Group. Key findings include:


New America

Tue, 02/05/2019 - 18:00 to 19:45

Senator John McCain once described the free grant of digital TV channels to broadcasters as "one of the great rip-offs in American history. They used to rob trains in the Old West, now we rob spectrum."

Providing Broadband to Rural America: How Educators with EBS Can Make the Difference

In 2008, Northern Michigan University (NMU) elected to tackle the lack of adequate broadband access in its community head-on. With over 8,000 notebook computers assigned to its students, NMU launched an aggressive plan to construct the nation’s first Educational Broadband Service (EBS) WiMAX network.

T-Mobile’s new 600MHz hot spot is intended to provide broadband to rural customers

T-Mobile announced the launch of the Coolpad Surf, a 600MHz mobile hot spot that’s aiming to bring service to rural areas. It’s the first mobile hot spot to support Band 71, or 600MHz LTE, which T-Mobile recently won the spectrum license for from the Federal Communications Commission Broadcast Incentive auction last April. A number of phones have been released with Band 71 support since then, including the iPhone XS and XR, Samsung Galaxy S9, and the OnePlus 6T.

Auction 101 Bidding Concludes

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and the Office of Economics and Analytics report that there were no bids, withdrawals, or proactive activity rule waivers placed in round 176 of Auction 101, the FCC’s auction of licenses in the 27.5–28.35 GHz (28 GHz) band. Therefore, bidding in the FCC’s first auction of Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS) licenses has concluded under the simultaneous stopping rule. Auction 101 raised (in gross bids) a total of $702,572,410 with a total of 2,965 28 GHz UMFUS licenses won.

California’s Public Advocates Office argues strongly against T-Mobile/Sprint merger

California’s Public Advocates Office, a nonpartisan and publicly funded agency that advocates on behalf of California residents with respect to energy, water, and communications regulations, strongly recommended a denial of T-Mobile’s proposed merger with Sprint.

Commissioner Rosenworcel: 2.5 GHz spectrum key for 5G in rural areas

Wireless carriers would benefit if the Federal Communications Commission were to conduct an incentive auction for the 2.5 GHz airwaves that were allocated years ago for educational purposes, according to FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel. The FCC in 2018 adopted a notice of proposed rulemaking to consider updating the framework for licensing Educational Broadband Service (EBS) spectrum in the 2.5 GHz band. Even though Sprint touts a boatload of 2.5 GHz spectrum, there’s a lot of EBS spectrum that lies fallow across about half of the U.S., mostly in rural areas.

NCTA: Government Spectrum Strategy Should be Balanced

In comments to the National Telecommunications & Information Administration, NCTA-The Internet & Television Association said the Trump Administration's National Spectrum Strategy should recognize that Wi-Fi is the primary delivery mechanism for broadband and promote additional unlicensed spectrum and critical to any spectrum strategy.