
Minnesota Governor Walz Appoints Bree Maki as Director of the Office of Broadband Development

Governor Tim Walz appointed Bree Maki to serve as the Director of the Office of Broadband Development. Maki will replace previous director Angie Dickison. Bree Maki is the senior outreach director and state broadband and telecommunications outreach director for Senator Tina Smith (D-MN).

Vermonters Put Full Court Press on Middle Mile Funding Application

Vermont stakeholders have collaborated on an application for $114 million in funding through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) middle mile grant program. If awarded, the funding would represent over 10% of the approximately $1 billion allotted to the NTIA program, which has proven to be a highly competitive one. The Vermont Community Broadband Board (VCBB) spearheaded the application. The request would cover some of the costs of the proposed 1,663-mile fiber network.

Wisconsin Broadband Infrastructure Projects Get a Boost from American Rescue Plan

Some 8,000 households and businesses in Wisconsin will be connected to high-speed internet access due to the American Rescue Plan Act’s Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund. In his January 2021 State of the State Address, Governor Tony Evers (D-WI) declared 2021 “the year of broadband access" in Wisconsin.

Gov McMaster and Rep Clyburn announce $490,000,000 investment in broadband access in South Carolina

South Carolina Gov Henry McMaster (R-SC) and Rep James Clyburn (R-SC) announced the state has appropriated an investment of around $490,000,000 for broadband. The money comes from four broadband infrastructure grant programs. The state said it has already awarded $55,246,310. An additional $400,000,000 is planned to be awarded over the next 12 months, with an initial $180,000,000 by December 2022. The funding brought access to high-speed internet for more than 100,000 households in South Carolina.

Treasury to Give Over $435 Million in American Rescue Plan Funds to Increase Access to Affordable, High-Speed Internet

The US Department of the Treasury approved broadband projects in an additional group of three states under the American Rescue Plan’s (ARPA) Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF): Massachusetts, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Together, these states will use their funding to connect more than 91,000 homes and businesses to affordable, high-speed internet. A key priority of the CPF program is to make funding available for reliable, affordable broadband infrastructure.

Broadband’s rural reach: How electric co-ops reduce the digital divide

Electric co-ops are stepping up to close the digital divide. An effort in Virginia has connected 30,000 rural residents to the internet through fiber since 2017 and plans to hook up another 200,000 in the next three to five years. The work is being driven by the Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware Association of Broadband Cooperatives, which was established to provide a “singular, unifying voice for cooperative broadband interests.” Co-operatives are not driven by profits.

What's Our Vision of Digital Equity?

This is Digital Inclusion Week 2022, a time to raise awareness of solutions addressing home internet access, personal devices, and local technology training and support programs.

New Hampshire Seeks Broadband Consultant

The Broadband Office in the New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs is seeking proposals from qualified applicants to provide consultation services to the state and municipalities in regard to the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF). New Hampshire has committed all of its available CPF program funds toward broadband buildout and is looking for a consultant that assures federal compliance, is a resource for NH communities, and helps the agency with other tasks as noted in the RFP Scope of Work. Anticipated Contract Start Date: Jan. 1, 2023

Broadband restoration efforts in Florida hindered by power outages, flooding

Wireline operators are battling to bring residents in Florida back online as quickly as possible in the wake of Hurricane Ian, but conditions on the ground are making it hard to get to all the sites in need of repair. According to Federal Communications Commission data, the storm knocked out wireline service for nearly 526,000 people after it made landfall on September 28.

Prison calls are wildly expensive. California just made them free

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) signed into law a bill that makes phone calls from California’s prisons free of charge.