
Massachusetts broadband chief: Infrastructure and equity go hand in hand

Massachusetts’ is looking at the bigger picture, not just network rollouts. Although Massachusetts already has around 99 percent broadband coverage (based on statistics from the Federal Communications Commission’s national broadband map), there’s still an adoption gap. So, Massachusetts is trying to look at broadband “holistically,” infrastructure as well as “all the other elements that are needed” to make sure people “can really take advantage of the access to the service.” In November 2023, the Massachusetts Broadband Institute launched the Gap Networks Grant Program, a new $145 million g

It's challenging to determine BEAD-eligible locations, says Wireless 20/20

It will be super complicated for states to define the bidding areas for Broadband Equity, Access & Deployment (BEAD) grants. Some states may define bid areas by census blocks, school districts, or some other defined geography or cluster, while other states may go with a “free-for-all” approach, allowing bidders to say where they want to bid.

The Licensed Wireless Dilemma

One of the stickiest issues that State broadband offices are going to be wrestling with is how to recognize the service areas for ISPs that use licensed spectrum to deliver rural broadband. This issue comes from a ruling from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration that, for purposes of Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program grants, fixed wireless networks using unlicensed spectrum are deemed to be unreliable.

Everyone Connected: Connecticut's Digital Equity Plan

In 2022, Governor Ned Lamont (D-CT) called on the Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology within the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to lead the State’s efforts around digital equity. In late 2023, the commission released its draft digital equity plan, Connecticut: Everyone Connected, for public comment.

Vermont Community Broadband Board Invites Proposals for New Program to Aid Entities Applying for BEAD Program

Vermont Community Broadband Board (VCBB) invites proposals from eligible internet service providers to take part in the new Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Subrecipient Support Program, which provides funds to promote the ability of various entities to participate in the BEAD Program. The program provides needs-based grants to assist in preparing a BEAD application. Awards range from $10,000-$200,000 to be used for planning, analysis, stakeholder engagement, collaboration, and short-term capacity necessary to plan and draft an application to the BEAD program.

Nebraska Public Service Commission Awards Nebraska Broadband Bridge Program Grants

The Nebraska Public Service Commission has approved an order awarding 22 grants totaling nearly $20 million from the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Program (NBBP). Created by the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Act the NBBP provides up to $20 million dollars annually for the development of broadband networks capable of at least 100/100 Megabits per second (up/down) in unserved and underserved areas of the state.

Coloradans at the Heart of State's Digital Access Plan

The Colorado Office of the Future of Work's Digital Equity Team released the Colorado Digital Access Plan for public comment. The plan includes a vision, mission and values that honor Coloradans and their unique needs and assets. People are at the center of Colorado’s digital inclusion work and in every section of the plan. With this in mind, feedback from the public can be submitted until January 19, 2024.

Bandwidth Hawk: Public or private for BEAD deployments? Why not both?

My answer to “who should build broadband networks” has always started with what should be obvious: Usually, the deployer with the lowest cost of capital. But technology and the $42.25 billion Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program and other funding mechanisms have warped the equation. What are your community’s options? What are the deployer options?

Broadband Director: The Challenges are Bigger in Texas

Texas’ Broadband Development Office Director Greg Conte explains why $3.3 billion in Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) funding might not be as appealing as it sounds. “Receiving $3.3 billion is great, but with that comes a lot of responsibility, said Conte. “There’s a lot of attention on Texas as we have a significant amount of unserved and under-served homes, businesses, community anchor institutions.

Governor Kelly Unveils New Designation for Kansas Cities Improving High-Speed Internet

Governor Laura Kelly (D-KS) announced the launch of Kansas Broadband Ready Communities, a new certification from the Kansas Office of Broadband Development (KOBD) for communities working to improve access to high-speed internet. With the Kansas Broadband Ready Communities designation, Kansas communities will be prepared to make their bids for service more competitive and be ready for future grant opportunities. By adopting specific local ordinances ahead of time, communities can ensure more successful and sustainable broadband deployment projects.