
Communication at a distance, especially the electronic transmission of signals via the telephone

Huawei: FCC proposal would hurt poor, rural communities

Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei is fighting back against some of the negative claims that US government officials have been making about the company in recent months. In a filing with the Federal Communications Commission, Huawei focused on recent moves by the agency to restrict rural carriers from purchasing telecommunications equipment made by Huawei and other Chinese companies. Huawei, with the help of telecommunications economist Allan Shampine, argued that by imposing new rules, the agency could hurt poor, rural communities.

FCC Settles Investigation into Two AT&T Mobility 911 Outages in 2017

The Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau settled an investigation into AT&T Mobility’s 911 outages of March and May 2017.

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio seeks comment on AT&T Ohio application to end Lifeline Participation

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) issued a call for comments regarding AT&T Ohio’s application to discontinue its participation in the federal Lifeline program throughout the majority of its service territory. Comments are due Aug. 31, 2018. Lifeline is a federally funded program that provides monthly discounts to eligible consumers of landline, wireless or broadband services. Customers enrolled in their service provider’s Lifeline program receive a $9.25 monthly credit. On Sept.

Remarks of FCC Commissioner O'Rielly before the Cloud Comms Summit

It is a true honor to have the chance to speak before members of the relatively new Cloud Communications Alliance....During times of change, an agency must refrain from subjecting new technologies to old regulatory structures.At a minimum, an agency should not act unless it is clear that the agency has authority, that there is evidence of a market failure warranting intervention, and that the benefits of acting outweigh the costs. Otherwise, regulators risk suppressing further entry, innovation, and investment.

Rep Pallone to Introduce Bill to Ensure Immigrant Parents Can Contact Their Separated Children Free of Charge

House Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) announced the Compassionate Calling and Immigrant Family Reunification Act of 2018 to put an end to the abusive practice of charging detained immigrant parents extortionary rates to use the phone to either contact their children that have been separated from them and placed in detention facilities or to contact federal agencies to learn where their children are being held.

Oppenheimer: AT&T, Verizon capital expenditures in 2018 higher than expected

 The analysts at Oppenheimer raised their capital expenditure estimates for both AT&T and Verizon for 2018, noting that both carriers are spending slightly more on their network efforts than the analysts had initially expected. The analysts also lowered their capex estimate for Sprint for the current quarter to just $1 billion, down from $1.5 billion, but the firm didn’t change its estimates for Sprint’s total 2018 capex spending.

Windstream, USTelecom Reach Telecom Unbundling Compromise; Is UNE Era Set to End?

Windstream and USTelecom have reached a compromise agreement involving telecommunication unbundling that would offer an alternative to a filing made by USTelecom back in May. The agreement requires Federal Communications Commission approval, but generally the FCC looks favorably upon agreements that opposing telecom stakeholders have been able to negotiate without FCC involvement. Windstream is both a buyer and seller of unbundled network elements (UNEs).

FCC Increases Funding for Rural Telehealth

The Federal Communications Commission has provided a significant budgetary boost for its Rural Health Care Program to address immediate and longterm funding shortages driven by growing demand for rural telemedicine services. The FCC increased the annual cap on program spending by nearly 43 percent, to $571 million, which will reverse across-the-board spending cuts for the current funding year imposed by the old cap. These “pro-rata” cuts had created uncertainty and turmoil in the program for patients, health care providers, and communications companies alike.

FCC Announces Tentative Agenda for July 2018 Open Meeting

[Press release] Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced that the following items are tentatively on the agenda for the July Open Commission Meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 12, 2018:

Scoring a Victory for 5G

When it comes to 5G, we need to keep the playbook fresh and forward leaning. So at our July 12 meeting, the Federal Communications Commission will take another step to ensure that America continues to lead the world in mobile innovation. Headlining the agenda at the FCC’s July meeting is a proposal to make more intensive use of mid-band spectrum from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz, commonly called the C-band. Another area in which the FCC has made substantial progress but must not stand still is emergency alerting.