
Communication at a distance, especially the electronic transmission of signals via the telephone

Public-private partnership for building a resilient broadband infrastructure in Puerto Rico

Exploring the use of an innovative approach to a public-private partnership (PPP) to spur the deployment of broadband and create more resilient telecommunications networks in Puerto Rico. Such a partnership is a critical ingredient of the plan for rebuilding the telecommunications sector of Puerto Rico after the island was devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017. The proposed partnership also has the potential for enabling the expansion of citizen access to broadband services throughout Puerto Rico.

2020 Universal Service Monitoring Report

This is the twenty-third report in a series prepared by federal and state staff members for the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service. The findings are reported in seven sections: Section 1 of the report provides an update on industry revenues, universal service program funding requirements, and contribution factors. Sections 2 through 5 provide the latest data on the low-income, highcost, schools and libraries, and rural health care support mechanisms.

FCC Hears Reports from Wireline Bureau and Rural Broadband Auctions Teams

The Federal Communications Commission heard reports from leaders of the Wireline Competition Bureau and Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force on their work over the last four years. The Wireline Bureau’s presentation to the Commissioners summarized the Wireline Bureau’s substantial progress in core areas, including expanding broadband to millions of previously unserved homes and businesses in rural America, removing regulatory barriers to infrastructure investment, and transitioning to next-generation networks.

Chairman Pai Remarks to the Center for Strategic and International Studies

The Communications Act of 1934 outlines several reasons why our agency was created, including “for the purpose of the national defense” and “for the purposes of promoting safety of life and property.” Consistent with those charges, identifying threats to our communications networks and taking aggressive action to counteract those threats have been among the hallmarks of the Federal Communications Commission during my four years as Chairman.

Federal Agents Comb Nashville Bomb Site as Telecom Outages Stall City

The Christmas Day explosion that rocked Nashville caused considerable disruption, as it damaged a critical piece of the broader area’s telecommunications infrastructure. One of the major lines of inquiry was whether there was significance in the location of the blast: on a downtown street in front of an AT&T transmission building. The explosion created significant damage to the facility, causing widespread repercussions to telecommunication systems in Nashville and beyond. Officials said the outages have affected 911 operations and flights at Nashville International Airport.

Telecommunications needs a reset: Is the Telecom Ecosystem Group the answer?

The telecommunications ecosystem is broken, but there's a move underway by the Telecom Ecosystem Group to rectify, if not completely reset, some of those problems.

The Biden FCC Needs to Tackle Exorbitant Jail and Prison Call Prices

A Biden Federal Communications Commission needs to tackle exorbitant jail and prison call prices: extending reform efforts to jails and intrastate communications, tackling exploitative video call contracts for the first time, and addressing the problems of fees and monopolistic bundled service provision in addition to fully dismantling the regressive commission system.

Reforming funding of universal access to telecommunications and broadband services: Approaches for the new decade

The Federal Communications Commission universal service support fund's revenue base has been shrinking while the payouts have risen. As a result, the contribution factor, an ad valorem tax on the revenue base, rose from 16.7% in 2017 to 21.2% in 2020. We propose two solutions to the funding problem: A near-term funding reform proposal that widens the revenue base by replacing the current definition of assessable services (interstate and international) with a more inclusive definition of all communication services that have a telecommunications component.

FCC Launches Proceeding on Revoking China Telecom's Authorizations

The Federal Communications Commission launched a proceeding to determine whether to end China Telecom (Americas) Corporation’s authority to provide domestic interstate and international telecommunications services within the US under section 214 of the Communications Act. The protection of national security is an integral part of the FCC’s responsibility to advance the public interest, and Dec 10’s action seeks to safeguard the nation’s telecommunications infrastructure from potential security threats. 

Deletion of Items from December 10, 2020 Open Meeting

The following items have been deleted from the list of items scheduled for consideration at the Dec 10, 2020 Federal Communications Commission Open Meeting. Items 6 and 8 have been released by the FCC. Items 7, 8 and 10 have been adopted.

6. Florida Community Radio, Inc., Construction Permit for Proposed NCE Station DWRBD (FM), Horseshoe Beach, Florida: The FCC will consider a licensing matter.