Upcoming event
Since the 2016 presidential election, the debate over the social role and power of America’s tech giants has intensified. Companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Google have found themselves on the receiving end of an array of complaints and regulatory proposals.
NTIA and the U.S. Census Bureau will present information on two large-scale consumer studies focused on computer and Internet use in America. The speakers will highlight the latest data from the surveys about who’s online, who’s not, how and where people access and use the Internet, what concerns they have, and more. Experts will show you how to access the data yourself, point you to open data resources, and answer questions.
9:00-9:05 am |
WelcomeBruce H. Kobayashi |
9:05-9:15 am |
Welcome and Introductory RemarksJoseph J. Simons, Chairman |
9:15-10:45 am |
he FTC’s Bureau of Economics has a long tradition of conducting ex post evaluations of consummated mergers, beginning with (then) FTC staff economists David Barton and Roger Sherman’s 1984 examination of the Xidex mergers of the 1970s. Over the last two decades, FTC economists have publicly released 27 merger retrospective studies.
9:00-9:15 am |
Welcome and Introductory RemarksAlden Abbott, General Counsel |
9:15-9:45 am |