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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Timeline for National High-Speed Internet Deployment
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration expects to communicate Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment allocation levels to eligible entities by June 30, 2023. The Biden-Harris Administration is required by law to allocate Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment funds according to a formula derived from the map data. NTIA coordinates closely with the FCC to ensure that this data is accurate and reliable and will continue to do so. NTIA’s efforts to date include:

FCC To Release New Broadband Maps On November 18
The Federal Communications Commission will unveil a pre-production draft of new broadband maps on November 18, 2022. This version is the first release of the map required by the Broadband DATA Act and will begin an ongoing, iterative process that will improve the data submitted by providers by incorporating challenges from individuals and other stakeholders. Broadband availability will be based on data submitted by providers during the initial Broadband Data Collection filing window and will reflect services available as of June 30, 2022.
A virtual field hearing to hear from a diverse range of stakeholders about the impact of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian on communications and the recovery effort.
The upcoming hearing, to be held as part of the FCC's November Open Meeting, will focus largely on coordination between the communications and power sectors in response to these disasters. The hearing will provide an opportunity to gather new information and lessons learned so that U.S. networks are better prepared for future storms like Tropical Storm Nicole. The FCC is monitoring the storm as it progresses.
The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB) will host a live webinar to discuss the Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program (ACP Outreach Grant Program) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that was released on Thursday, November 10, 2022. The ACP Outreach Grant Program seeks to expand diverse outreach efforts nationwide, strengthen partner networks by empowering them to mobilize people and organizations to help build program awareness, with the ultimate goal of increasing ACP enrollment.
Tech for good, evil and companionship at Web Summit
The future-of-tech conversations at Web Summit in Lisbon could have played on a split screen.
At this meeting, the Task Force will hear presentations on topics relevant to its charges and will consider and vote on reports from its four working groups: (1) Mapping and Analyzing Connectivity on Agricultural Lands; (2) Accelerating Broadband Deployment on Unserved Agricultural Lands; (3) Examining Current and Future Connectivity Demand for Precision Agriculture; and (4) Encouraging Adoption of Precision Agriculture and Availability of HighQuality Jobs on Connected Farms.
This agenda may be modified at the discretion of the Task Force Chair and the Designated Federal Officer.
The FirstNet Authority will post a detailed agenda for the Combined Board and Board Committees Meeting on FirstNet.gov prior to the meeting. The agenda topics are subject to change.
Please note that the subjects discussed by the Board and Board Committees may involve commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential, or other legal matters affecting the FirstNet Authority. As such, the Board may, by majority vote, close the meeting only for the time necessary to preserve the confidentiality of such information.
The county role is pivotal to deploying high-speed internet. Join us for the second installment in the Broadband Boot Camp for Counties series to discover why counties play an essential role as partners, data aggregators, and organizers in the deployment of high-speed internet that is accessible and affordable for all.
This Boot Camp webinar series is provided free of charge. Registration is reserved exclusively for NACo members.
Digitunity, in partnership with Visible Network Labs (VNL), distributed a survey to nonprofit organizations, governments, businesses, and other organizations in 10 cities across the US to visualize relationships across sectors and create opportunities for partnerships to achieve digital equity. The effort resulted in Network maps for each of the metro areas.
To register, please click on one or more of the links below:
An exclusive event for NRECA Broadband participating cooperatives
At the NRECA Broadband Leadership Summit, participating cooperatives come together to explore the challenges and opportunities of broadband deployment and to help shape the future of broadband in rural America.