Wireless Telecommunications

Communication at a distance, especially the electronic transmission of signals via cell phones

Setting the Record Straight: Carriers Can Help Veterans and Comply with California’s Net Neutrality Law

Veterans across the country and in California shouldn’t have to worry they’ll go over their data caps by talking to their doctor or mental health provider online. In fact, no American or Californian should. But California’s net neutrality law is not the problem here. There are easy solutions that broadband providers could embrace that are far more effective at helping veterans and all Californians, while also complying with California’s net neutrality protections.

FCC Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel, in Charge of 5G Rollout, Confronts a Long To-Do List

The Federal Communications Commission has been in overdrive in recent months as billions of dollars in 5G investments put new demands on its staff. The coronavirus pandemic has complicated matters even more by highlighting the millions of Americans who lack broadband access for work and school. The FCC’s earliest 5G-focused auctions sold off millimeter-wave licenses, which support extremely fast internet connections but suffer over long distances.

Remarks of Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel on Accelerating 5G in the United States

I want to start by recognizing that the cybersecurity challenge is about to get even more challenging with the advent of 5G. I’m going to share three lessons we’ve all learned from scary movies that should apply equally to our nation’s cybersecurity.

FCC Opens 100 Megahertz of Mid-Band Spectrum For 5G

The Federal Communications Commission took action to make valuable mid-band spectrum in the 3.45-3.55 GHz band available for auction to facilitate 5G deployment across the contiguous US. 2020’s Consolidated Appropriations Act required the FCC to commence a system of competitive bidding for licenses in the 3.45-3.55 GHz band by the end of 2021.

FCC Seeks Comment on Open Radio Access Networks

The Federal Communications Commission adopted a Notice of Inquiry to start a formal discussion on the opportunities and potential challenges presented by open and virtualized radio access networks, and how the FCC might leverage these concepts to support network security and 5G leadership. The FCC seeks comment on the current status of development and deployment, whether and how the FCC might foster the success of these technologies, and how to support competitiveness and new entrant access to this emerging market.

FCC Seeks Comment on Mid-Band Spectrum Auction

The Federal Communications Commission adopted a Public Notice seeking comment on procedures for the auction of 100 megahertz of mid-band spectrum in the 3.45–3.55 GHz band that can be used to facilitate 5G deployment across the contiguous US. Bidding in Auction 110 is expected to begin in early Oct 2021. This Public Notice works in concert with new rules for the 3.45 GHz band that were also adopted March 17, establishing a framework for coordination of non-federal and federal use and establishing a band plan.

Impact of California ‘Net Neutrality’ Law on Free Data Services

California has enacted a “net neutrality” law banning “sponsored data” services that allowed companies to pay for, or “sponsor,” the data usage of their customers who are also AT&T wireless customers. Unfortunately, under the California law we are now prohibited from providing certain data features to consumers free of charge. Prior to California’s law, sponsored data customers were able to browse, stream and enjoy applications from sponsors without using their monthly data allowance.

The Google Files: Four things the documents reveal

The Obama-era Federal Trade Commission spent 19 months investigating Google over allegations that it violated antitrust laws by favoring its own products over rivals’ in search results. The agency ultimately voted against taking action, saying changes Google made to its search algorithm gave consumers better results and therefore didn’t unfairly harm competitors. That conclusion underplays what the FTC’s staff found during the probe.

Extending America's 5G Leadership

Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr detailed his plan to extend US leadership in 5G at an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute.  Highlights of Commissioner Carr’s plan:

Rogers, Shaw to Combine in $16 Billion Deal

Rogers Communications has agreed to buy Shaw Communications for about 20 billion Canadian dollars, equivalent to roughly $16 billion. The deal, which would remove Canada’s fourth-largest wireless provider from a thin competitive arena, will be scrutinized by three federal government agencies, including the competition bureau, the Canadian telecommunications regulator and the department of industry. Innovation, Science and Industry minister François-Philippe Champagne said in a statement that the government would focus on affordability, competition, and innovation in its analysis of the deal