Wireless Telecommunications

Communication at a distance, especially the electronic transmission of signals via cell phones

Senators to FCC: No Lifeline Disconnections During Coronavirus Pandemic

Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Edward Markey (D-MA), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Brian Schatz (D-HI) called on the Federal Communications Commission to ensure that no eligible American is disconnected from the Lifeline assistance program during the coronavirus pandemic. Since 1985, the FCC’s Lifeline program has made basic internet and telephone service more affordable for low-income Americans.

FCC Grants Verizon Temporary Spectrum Access During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau granted Verizon’s request for Special Temporary Authority (STA) to use additional spectrum to help meet increased customer demand for broadband during the coronavirus pandemic. This STA will allow the company to operate for 60 days in spectrum licensed to Northstar Wireless LLC and SNR Wireless LicenseCo in the AWS-3 Band in order to provide additional capacity to Verizon customers across the country. The FCC has granted similar requests by T-Mobile and U.S. Cellular in recent days.

Chairman Pai Thanks Companies That Have Gone Above And Beyond The Keep Americans Connected Pledge

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai commended broadband and telephone service providers that have responded to his call to take the Keep Americans Connected Pledge and have gone even further to enhance Americans’ connectivity during the coronavirus pandemic. The week of March 9, Chairman Pai specifically asked companies with low income broadband programs to expand and improve them and those without to adopt such programs.

Counties Take on Connectivity Challenge

Local government officials are grappling with how to keep communications flowing for the millions of people who have retreated to their homes. “This is a true test of all of our connectivity, whether it's through a satellite provider, cable provider, cellphone provider,” said Rita Reynolds, the chief technology officer for the National Association of Counties. Her trade association is in the middle of assessing how local chief information officers and IT directors are processing the logistical challenges prompted by COVID-19.

What the coronavirus reveals about the digital divide between schools and communities

With a disproportionate number of school-age children lacking home broadband access, the breadth of the US digital divide has been revealed as schools struggle to substitute in-school resources with online instruction, electronic libraries, streaming videos, and other online tutorials. In the US, there are approximately 480,000 school buses that transport about 25 million students on a  weekly basis to school and back. With newly installed Wi-Fi hotspots, these buses can maintain the integrity of current social distancing.

FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel on staying connected during a pandemic

A Q&A with Federal Communications Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel.

Asked, "What are the immediate short-term steps that the FCC and the broadband companies can take, and what are the medium and long-term steps that could help us be better prepared in the future?"

More Providers Take Chairman Pai's Keep Americans Connected Pledge

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced that 116 more broadband and telephone service providers have taken his Keep Americans Connected Pledge. Chairman Pai launched the Keep Americans Connected Pledge on March 13 with 69 broadband and telephone providers across the country agreeing to take specific steps to help Americans stay connected for the next 60 days. March 16’s announcement means that 185 companies in total have now taken the Pledge. 

Science and Tech Spotlight: 5G Wireless

Although 5G is mainly being deployed by industry, governments and other organizations will decide how to use public resources, such as spectrum, and what obligations network operators will have to their users. Among the questions they will face are the following:

Chairman Pai's Response to Member of Congress Regarding Mobility Fund Phase II

On Jan 9, 2020, Sens Joe Manchin (D-WV), James Lankford (R-OK), Jon Tester (D-MT), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and John Kennedy (R-LA) wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to express reservations about the 5G Fund and the decision to focus limited mobile broadband deployment dollars on the promise of a 5G future when many places still lack 4G service or do not have any service at all.

FCC Grants T-Mobile Temporary Spectrum Access During Coronavirus

The Federal Communications Commission granted Special Temporary Authority to T-Mobile U.S.A. to use additional spectrum in the 600 MHz Band to help it meet increased customer demand for broadband during the coronavirus pandemic.