Wireless Telecommunications

Communication at a distance, especially the electronic transmission of signals via cell phones

Chairman Pai Remarks on 5G at National Spectrum Consortium Event

As most of you know, a few weeks ago, I was at the White House for an event with President Donald Trump to highlight our government’s efforts to promote US leadership in 5G. To me, there were three key takeaways from this event. First: 5G is critical to our economy, security, and quality of life, as evidenced by the personal engagement of the President.

House Communications Subcommittee Hearing on Robocalls

The House Communications Subcommittee held a hearing on more than six robocall bills, and there was bipartisan momentum for action. Ranking Member Bob Latta (R-OH), author of one of the bills, talked up the Republican take on robocalls, which is to empower more info sharing between companies and the Federal Communications Commission, provide access to blocking technology, and to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate robocalls.

Wireless Carriers Make It Clear: You’re Going to Pay More For 5G

With all of the hype surrounding fifth-generation (5G) wireless, there’s one subject wireless carriers haven’t talked as much about: how much this amazing new connectivity is going to cost you. But in more recent weeks cell providers have started to make it clear that whatever incredible advancements 5G brings—higher prices are going to be part of the equation. For example, Verizon recently stated it would be imposing a $10 monthly fee (on top of your existing charges) simply to connect to its shiny new 5G network.

Without the Right Spectrum, Is 5G All That?

Over the past few years, news of 5G – fifth generation wireless technologies – has grabbed too many headlines to count.

T-Mobile Sprint Merger Opposition: Broadband Associations, Others Say It Will Harm Rural Areas

Two dozen entities, including several broadband associations, are stepping up their T-Mobile Sprint merger opposition, sending a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai and to a Department of Justice official arguing that the proposed merger would harm rural areas and reduce wireless competition. Most of the entities signing the letter to the FCC and DOJ are in the 4Competition Coalition, an alliance formed to oppose the merger.

Full Lobbying Ahead on 5G

Amid public sparring in Trumpworld about how best to advance next-generation wireless technology, the issue has been a field day for federal lobbyists. Some 50 tech and telecom firms lobbied on 5G issues in the first stretch of 2019, more than double the number over the same period in 2018. The Chamber of Commerce and Qualcomm were the top-spending 5G advocates during the first quarter.

Wireless carriers fight ban on throttling firefighters during emergencies

CTIA, the US mobile industry's top lobbying group, is opposing a proposed California state law that would prohibit throttling of fire departments and other public safety agencies during emergencies. CTIA recently wrote to lawmakers to oppose the bill as currently written, saying the bill's prohibition on throttling is too vague and that it should apply only when the US president or CA governor declares emergencies and not when local governments declare emergencies.

Commissioner O'Rielly Remarks before the Brooklyn 5G Summit 2019

The future success of 5G is dependent, first, on those in the right positions — be it the private wireless sector, their financial backers, or those of us in government — ensuring ample resources are available for it to flourish. From a regulator’s perspective, this includes clearing and reallocating spectrum, especially in the mid bands, where the technology can operate. Second, it also means addressing any challenges posed by both foreign governments and providers who may have malicious intent.

Trump 5G Fighter Heads to Fox

The White House is losing a champion of the free-market approach to 5G to the new Fox Corporation’s Washington office. Gail Slater, a special assistant to the president on tech, telecom, and cybersecurity, will leave her role in the administration and join Fox as a senior vice president of policy and strategy. Slater was on the front lines in a fight between administration officials and Trump allies over the future of 5G networks.

Supreme Court should rule on a risk to innovation

The Supreme Court is considering whether to weigh in on a defining battle of the digital era. The court is about to decide what happens next in Oracle v. Google — a case that will affect not just the apps on your smartphone, but the future of American software innovation. The case hinges on whether developers should be able to create new applications using standard ways of accessing common functions. Those functions are the building blocks of computer programming, letting developers easily assemble the range of applications and tools we all use every day.