Wireless Telecommunications

Communication at a distance, especially the electronic transmission of signals via cell phones


New America

Fri, 11/09/2018 - 01:00 to 02:30

In the West, technological advances have progressed step-by-step—from landline phones, to dial-up connections, to broadband access, and now 4G data on phones. But the vast majority of Indians, particularly low- income and rural citizens, have leapfrogged straight to the smartphone era, disrupting centuries of tradition and barriers of wealth, language, literacy, caste, and gender.

Biggest Telecom Company CAF II Winner Will Use the $52 Million for Fixed Wireless

Benton Ridge Telephone Company can trace its roots back over 100 years to when it started out as a rural telephone company serving the OH community with the same name. The largest part of the company’s business now, however, is its wireless internet service provider unit known as Watch Communications, which offers service in parts of rural OH, IN and IL. When the company decided to bid – and ultimately won over $52 million – in the Connect America Fund II auction, its plan was to use fixed wireless for the project area.

Public Knowledge Files Reply Comments Opposing the Proposed Spring/T-Mobile Merger

Public Knowledge, joined by Common Cause, Consumers Union, Open Markets Institute, and Writers Guild of America West, filed reply comments with the Federal Communications Commission asking the agency to deny the proposed merger of T-Mobile and Sprint. Senior Policy Counsel Phillip Berenbroick said, "The record compiled by the Federal Communications Commission clearly demonstrates that the proposed transaction will substantially reduce competition in the wireless market and harm consumers. Post-merger, New T-Mobile, along with AT&T and Verizon, would dominate the wireless market.

Verizon won’t speed up 5G buildout despite FCC preempting local fees

Verizon Wireless says it will not move faster on building its 5G cellular network despite a Federal Communications Commission decision that erased $2 billion dollars' worth of fees for the purpose of spurring faster 5G deployment. The FCC's controversial decision in Sept angered both large and small municipalities because it limits the amount they can charge carriers for deployment of wireless equipment such as small cells on public rights-of-way.

Commissioner O'Rielly Remarks to Build Smart Cities of Tomorrow

Several elements involved in the deployment of Smart Cities rely on Federal Communications Commission activity or involvement. Let’s explore some of the policy issues and discussions that may be necessary to make Smart Cities happen in the near term.

T-Mobile pitches experimental plan to operate outside the 600 MHz rules

T-Mobile is known for breaking the rules in wireless, but now it wants Federal Communications Commission permission to bend the rules, so to speak, as part of a 600 MHz experiment in North Carolina. More specifically, T-Mobile wants to conduct tests in parts of NC to investigate the possibility of transmitting on portions of the 600 MHz B Block that’s spectrally closer to TV stations than permitted by the FCC’s rules. The operator says it will do so “in a manner that will not cause harmful interference to television viewers.” 

A New National Spectrum Strategy

On October 25, 2018, President Donald Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum ordering federal agencies to review their existing spectrum usage, forecast future demands, and prepare a plan for research and development that will enable better use of spectrum in the future.

More than a dozen cities are challenging the FCC over how to deploy 5G cell sites

More than a dozen US cities are challenging federal regulators in court over a recent decision that could give telecommunication companies millions in financial and other breaks as they race to build a next-generation wireless network powered by 5G mobile data. On Oct 24, officials from Los Angeles (CA), Portland (OR), and Bellevue (WA), among others, asked the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to review the rule change by the Federal Communications Commission, which restricts cities' ability to charge for access to public utility poles.

Developing a Sustainable Spectrum Strategy for America’s Future

President Donald Trump directed the Secretary of Commerce to work with agencies and policymakers on all levels to develop a National Spectrum Strategy to guide our country’s spectrum policy in the years to come. The Strategy will examine how to improve spectrum management and assess research and development priorities to create new technologies and improve United States competitiveness. The Strategy will provide a comprehensive roadmap for policymakers on all levels so that we can successfully lead the way to a connected future.

Affordable Communication Is Under Attack

The support structures that assist low-income families cannot work unless those in need have functional means of communication. Doctors monitoring children with fragile health, employers who can offer an extra shift to a struggling worker, nutrition support programs like SNAP which must confirm income eligibility — all these must be able to communicate with a low-income person, often within limited timeframes. Our collective and individual economic well-being is dependent on communications tools.