Alex Fitzpatrick

SNAP recipients can now shop at an online-only grocery store

SNAP recipients will soon be able to use their funds at an online-only grocery store for the first time. Many in the SNAP program—commonl

Airborne telemedicine

As airlines upgrade their in-flight Wi-Fi systems, they often tout the passenger experience benefits, like faster internet browsing or bett

A modest proposal: Ban cellphones in schools

Phones at school are "a disaster," said Jonathan Haidt, the prominent social psychologist, making the case for phone-free schools. "Smartphones impede learning, stunt relationships, and lessen belonging," says Haidt. Teachers and administrators see "clear links between rising phone addiction and declining mental health, to say nothing of declining academic performance. Back in 2019, Haidt asked school leaders why they couldn't just ban phones during school hours. "They said too many parents would be upset if they could not reach their children during the school day," he said.