Art Raymond

Has COVID-19 confirmed it’s time to make high-speed internet a public utility?

New pandemic-induced dependence on robust internet connectivity has shone a light on the stark inequities of broadband access and helped spur a new focus on addressing a long-standing question — why isn’t internet service a public utility with the same support, disbursement, and regulation afforded to other basic necessities like water, electricity and telephone service? While federal COVID-19 relief funding has helped Utah school administrators navigate some of the challenges raised by pandemic-related remote learning, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Sydnee Dickson said much mor

Rep. Curtis says it's time to take partisanship out of net neutrality debate

Rep. John Curtis (R-UT) hosted an invite-only roundtable discussion, hoping to gather stakeholder input on how to best address efforts to maintain an appropriately open internet system. "We tried to get every position represented in the room," said Rep. Curtis. "We had (internet service providers), edge providers and both large and small tech businesses.