Ben Brody

House Subcommittee Vets New FTC (update)

The House Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection, in the first oversight hearing for the new slate of Federal Trade Commission members, probed the commissioners on issues like data security, the Internet of Things, privacy, deceptive advertising, and more.

Big Tech Fights Backlash With White House Lobbying Blitz

According to a Bloomberg analysis of Senate disclosures dating back to 2000, lobbying of the White House and its key bureaus by US tech companies has increased steadily, with an acceleration in the past six years. In 2000, only Microsoft, Apple, and Oracle disclosed lobbying then-President Bill Clinton’s White House, including offices potentially representing his closest advisers. Disclosures filed with the government show that, in 2017, lobbyists working for Airbnb, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Twitter,  and Uber Technologies sought to influence parts of the Executiv