Jeremy Glenn

A Bright Future for Wireless Innovation at the RIC Forum

NTIA’s Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS), in collaboration with the Department of Defense’s FutureG Office, recently hosted the RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) Forum in Dallas, Texas. The demonstrations and high engagement from attendees underscored why the RIC Forum is drawing such a high level of international attention and interest.

2023 5G Challenge Update: Three Contestant Pairs Pass Stage Three End to End Interoperability Testing

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is working to catalyze the development of an open 5G wireless ecosystem to help the private sector move away from a highly consolidated marketplace with few vendors and technologies. One way it is doing this is through the lab at the Institute of Telecommunications Sciences, which is partnering with the Department of Defense on the 2023 5G Challenge.