Kelly Wert

States Seek to Fund Broadband Upgrades in Affordable Rental Housing

Getting access to broadband services remains a challenge for many residents of affordable rental housing. Though these properties are often in areas that have high-speed internet service, physical access and cost may keep households offline. Recognizing these challenges, several states have directed funding toward programs focused on expanding broadband access in affordable rental housing. Pandemic relief funds are another tool states are using to improve broadband access in low-income neighborhoods and affordable rental housing. Several states have also allocated a portion of their 

Enrollment Hurdles Limit Uptake for FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program

The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides the primary subsidy available to cover broadband subscription costs for low-income households, but only 1 in 4 eligible households have enrolled in the ACP since it launched in 2021.

5 Facts About Affordable Rental Housing That Matter for Broadband

Many residents of federally assisted multifamily—also called affordable rental—housing lack access to broadband service and face persistent challenges in getting a connection.

Broadband Access Still a Challenge in Rural Affordable Housing

Although broadband internet access has increased in much of the U.S., nearly 1 in 4 rural Americans still say it is a major problem in their community. Broadband access also remains a challenge for residents of affordable rental housing. These properties may have no internet access or only limited access in community facilities.

How to Make Broadband a Priority in Affordable Rental Housing Development

Many residents of affordable rental housing nationwide continue to lack access to broadband in their homes, but effective use of a long-standing federal tax credit can help close the gap in those housing units not funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Recognizing the critical importance of high-speed internet access, a HUD rule effective since 2017 requires that broadband infrastructure be installed in new and rehabilitated federally assisted multifamily housing.

Broadband Access Challenges Persist for Residents of Federally Subsidized Multifamily Housing

Many residents of federally subsidized public and multifamily housing have no access to high-speed internet service. Others may be able to get online only in restricted spaces, such as common areas, or have access in their units that is unreliable or unaffordable. This limited broadband access, meanwhile, can exacerbate long-standing economic and societal inequities.

How States Are Using Pandemic Relief Funds to Boost Broadband Access

As states start to allocate funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), enacted in March 2021, many policymakers are using some of the new resources to fund broadband expansion, by increasing funding for existing programs or establishing new ones. The relief package, which Congress passed to help Americans struggling because of the COVID-19 pandemic, includes two programs administered by the U.S.