Neal Gabler

Five ways the media bungled the election

[Commentary] Whether you think the election of Donald Trump is the nadir of modern American politics and the end of America as we know it, or a revolt of the masses that was long overdue, just about everyone agrees that the media’s election coverage failed staggeringly. Reform begins by examining some of the major transgressions the media committed. And, futile or not, there are some potential correctives should they be so inclined to perform more responsibly in 2020.
1) They turned the election into a sporting event.
2) They blew the numbers.
3) They cast a pall of negativity over the entire campaign.
4) The neglected policy.
5) They failed to discriminate between the values of the candidates.

Most Americans, rightfully I think, feel the press has failed them. It can only make amends by reforming itself, and it can only reform itself by rethinking itself. Its survival may be at stake, but, to the extent that a vital press is essential to a vigorous society, so may be the survival of our democracy.

[Neal Gabler is a Senior Fellow at the Lear Center for the Study of Entertainment and Society at USC]