Tom Wheeler

The FCC Should Preserve Broadband Access for All Schools

Until we see otherwise, we should take the Trump Federal Communications Commission at its word that it’s serious about improving the E-Rate program rather than cutting the number three federal aid to education program (like the Trump budget proposes for number one and number two). But those who propose changes must do what any 10th grader would do: their math homework. So, for this homework assignment, let’s ask four questions.

First, what would be the financial impact on rural schools?
Second, how would per-pupil allocations affect the access of rural schools to fiber?
Third, how would the proposals affect current activities?
Fourth, what kind of fiscal deficit for rural schools might be created by this change?

Reform of the E-Rate program has been a huge success for America’s schools and students. Now the people who voted against it are in charge. I hope they do their math homework while remembering their ABCs: Access Benefits Children.

How the Republicans Sold Your Privacy to Internet Providers

[Commentary] While most people were focused on the latest news from the House Intelligence Committee, the House quietly voted to undo rules that keep internet service providers — the companies like Comcast, Verizon and Charter that you pay for online access — from selling your personal information.

The bill not only gives cable companies and wireless providers free rein to do what they like with your browsing history, shopping habits, your location and other information gleaned from your online activity, but it would also prevent the Federal Communications Commission from ever again establishing similar consumer privacy protections. The bill is an effort by the FCC’s new Republican majority and congressional Republicans to overturn a simple but vitally important concept — namely that the information that goes over a network belongs to you as the consumer, not to the network hired to carry it. It’s an old idea: For decades, in both Republican and Democratic administrations, federal rules have protected the privacy of the information in a telephone call. In 2016, the FCC, which I led as chairman under President Barack Obama, extended those same protections to the internet.

Here’s one perverse result of this action. When you make a voice call on your smartphone, the information is protected: Your phone company can’t sell the fact that you are calling car dealerships to others who want to sell you a car. But if the same device and the same network are used to contact car dealers through the internet, that information — the same information, in fact — can be captured and sold by the network.

[Tom Wheeler was the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission from 2013 to 2017]

Today's Quote 03.13.2017

“Saying, ‘[regulation] is going to slow down our incentive to invest’ is everybody’s first line of defense...It’s balderdash.”

— Former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler