July 2021 Open Federal Trade Commission Meeting

Federal Trade Commission

Wednesday, July 21, 2021 - 12:00pm
Time Zone: 
Virtual Event

Business Before the Commission

  1. Care Labeling Rule: In July 2011, the Commission initiated a regulatory review proceeding of the Care Labeling Rule. As part of the proceeding, the Commission has solicited public comments on multiple proposals to change the rule, including a proposal to repeal the Rule entirely. The Commission will vote on whether to rescind the proposal to repeal the Care Labeling Rule.
  2. Proposed Policy Statement on Repair Restrictions Imposed by Manufacturers and Sellers: The FTC Act authorizes the Commission to adopt policy statements. The Commission will vote on whether to issue a new policy statement, following the Commission's “Nixing the Fix” report which was unanimously agreed to and announced on May 6, 2021.
  3. Policy Statement on Prior Approval and Prior Notice Provisions in Merger Cases: In 1995, the Commission adopted a policy statement regarding “prior approval” and “prior notice” remedies in merger cases. The Commission will vote on whether to rescind this policy statement.

After the Commission has conducted its business, Chair Khan will offer brief remarks and will then invite members of the public to share feedback on the Commission’s work generally and bring relevant matters to the Commission’s attention. Members of the public must sign up for an opportunity to address the Commission virtually at the July 21 event. Each commenter will be allowed to speak for no more than one minute. Anyone who cannot participate during the event may submit written comments or a link to a prerecorded video through a web form. Speaker registration and comment submission will be available through July 18, 2021 at 8 p.m. ET.