42 Free Speech, Open Government and Public Interest Groups Urge the FCC to Protect Net Neutrality

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Free Press and 41 freedom of speech, open government, journalism and public interest groups sent a letter urging Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler to reclassify broadband access services to protect freedom of expression online.

Released during Sunshine Week, the letter outlines the critical role Net Neutrality plays in guaranteeing that Americans can speak and publish freely: “The open Internet is our main conduit for freedom of expression and information. It is our library, our printing press, our delivery truck and our town square,” the letter reads. “Free speech depends on access to open and nondiscriminatory platforms for that speech. Without such principles governing online networks, we cannot guarantee the exercise of this most fundamental right.”

Representing millions of Americans, the groups include the American Civil Liberties Union, Free Press, the Government Accountability Project, the National Hispanic Media Coalition, PEN American Center, the Project on Government Oversight, Reporters Without Borders, the Society for Professional Journalists, the Sunlight Foundation and the Writers Guild of America East.

Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron said: “We can’t separate Internet freedom from press freedom. Our rights to connect and communicate are inextricably linked. So the fight for freedom of expression must include fighting for a future where no gatekeeper -- corporation or government — can block or discriminate online. For FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, the path forward is clear.

"We can’t settle for anything less than reclassifying broadband services. As more and more of our journalism, civic information and democratic participation move online, we have to ensure that Internet service providers can’t meddle with the networks that enable the freedoms we hold so dear.”

42 Free Speech, Open Government and Public Interest Groups Urge the FCC to Protect Net Neutrality