Is Broadband Essential?

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For many years, I’ve heard people say that broadband is essential. But what exactly does that mean? Does it mean that broadband is important in a lot of people’s lives, or does it mean that broadband is something that society can’t live without? Grocery stores, gas stations, and auto repair shops could all be considered essential for society. However, these industries are operated by commercial businesses, and they are only lightly regulated, mostly to protect the public from harm. Nobody forces these industries to serve everybody, and nobody protects the companies in these industries from failing; there are plenty of failed grocery stores and gas stations around the country. There is another set of industries that are so essential that the government regulates them as monopolies. It’s unheard of for somebody to build a second water system to serve homes. It’s rare to have anybody building a second set of electric wires. These essential industries are heavily regulated. Where does broadband fit into this spectrum of businesses? When people say broadband is essential, do they mean essential like grocery stores or essential like water companies? If broadband is essential, but total heavy regulation isn’t the right answer, then what is?

Is Broadband Essential?