Chairman Pai’s Response to Senator Wyden Regarding Security of 5G Networks

On Nov 6, 2019, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to act to secure the nation's next-generation, 5G telephone networks. He asked Chairman Pai several questions to "help Congress and the American people understand the FCC's plans to address this national security threat". On Jan 3, 2020, Chairman Pai responded by saying he has frequently discussed his support for addressing 5G security issues upfront. He wrote about how "Last May, more than 140 representatives from 32 countries came together to develop the Prague Proposals, a consensus approach for protecting next-generation networks. As acknowledged in the Proposals, there are no universal solutions to security. Rather, '{t]he decision on the most optimal path forward when setting the proper measures to increase security should reflect unique social and legal frameworks, economy, privacy, technological self-sufficiency and other relevant factors important for each nation.'" Chairman Pai went on to provide answers to the questions Sen Wyden asked. 

Chairman Pai’s Response to Senator Wyden Regarding Security of 5G Networks Sen Wyden Letter to FCC Chairman Pai