FCC Adopts Procedures to Implement Enhanced A-CAM

On July 23, 2023, the Federal Communications Commission adopted the Enhanced A-CAM Order, establishing the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) program as a voluntary path for supporting 100/20 Mbps broadband deployment throughout the rural areas served by carriers currently receiving A-CAM support and in areas served by legacy rate-of-return support recipients. In that Order, the FCC adopted requirements to ensure that the Enhanced A-CAM program would complement existing federal, state, and local funding programs so that broadband funding can be used efficiently to maximize the deployment of high-quality broadband service across the United States. Now the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau established: 1) the specific parameters for determining Enhanced A-CAM support offers; 2) a methodology for adjusting support when updated deployment obligations increase or reduce the number of locations a carrier is obligated to deploy to; and 3) further details regarding Enhanced A-CAM carriers’ performance measures testing requirements.

WCB Adopts Procedures to Implement Enhanced A-CAM