FCC Transitioning to New FOIA Solution on October 1

The Federal Communications Commission currently relies simultaneously on two online case management solutions: FOIA.gov available at https://www.foia.gov and FOIAonline.gov, available at https://foiaonline.gov/foiaonline/action/public/home. With the planned retirement of FOIAonline.gov by its host agency, the FCC will transition from FOIAonline to a new online case management solution beginning October 1, 2023. "Although there will be a new look, we expect the transition to be seamless," said every government agency ever just before a complete meltdown. For further information, please contact Stephanie Kost, FOIA Public Liaison, at FOIA-Public-Liaison@fcc.gov or 202-418-0440.


FCC Transitioning to New FOIA Solution on October 1