Middle Mile as a Catalyst: Municipal Investments for Broadband Equity and Affordability

A blueprint for cities and counties to expand Internet access by leveraging a municipally-enabled, middle-mile fiber backbone without bearing the full burden of infrastructure costs. The approach could help bridge the persistent digital divide affecting numerous communities nationwide. Drawing on case studies from Fort Worth and Lake Cities (TX), and Joplin (MO) Middle Mile as a Catalyst highlights the efficacy of following this approach. In addition to the case studies, Middle Mile as a Catalyst outlines the critical elements for municipalities to consider when investing in middle-mile fiber:  

  1. Assess broadband needs: identify unreliable service areas, outdated infrastructure, and barriers to digital literacy and device affordability. 
  2. Build local support: endorsements from grassroots movements and elected officials can help secure necessary funding and build a strong case for implementation and deployment. 
  3. Engage stakeholders: it is crucial to keep the community leaders informed and involved, especially any advocate stakeholders that can champion and guide the project from conception to completion. 
  4. Make a financial plan: allocate capital funds efficiently and adopt outcome-based procurement to tailor to the community’s specific broadband solution needs. 
  5. Create clear goals: set clear goals throughout the project—ensure comprehensive articulation of needs and assets and follow a learning-oriented approach to procurement.

Middle Mile as a Catalyst: Municipal Investments for Broadband Equity and Affordability