Kids Online Health and Safety Request for Comment

Preventing and mitigating any adverse health effects from use of online platforms on minors, while preserving benefits such platforms have on minors’ health and well-being, are critical priorities of the Biden-Harris Administration. On behalf of the Department of Commerce and in conjunction with the other members of the United States government’s Task Force on Kids Online Health & Safety, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) seeks broad input and feedback from stakeholders on current and emerging risks of health (including mental health), safety, and privacy harms to minors arising from use of online platforms. This request also seeks information about potential health, safety and privacy benefits stemming from minors’ use of online platforms. Finally, we seek input on current and future industry efforts to mitigate harms and promote the health, safety and well-being of minors who access these online platforms. The data gathered through this process will be used to inform the Biden-Harris Administration’s work to advance the health, safety, and privacy of minors.


Initiative to Protect Youth Mental Health, Safety & Privacy Online NTIA Seeks Comment on Protecting Kids Online