Mapping Computer and Internet Use by State: Introducing Data Explorer 2.0

One of the major advantages of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's surveys on computer and Internet use stems from their very large sample size--approximately 53,000 households representing more than 120,000 people. This allows us to break out results by demographics like age, race, income, and education, as well as by state of residence.

Oct 27, we are launching a new feature of our Data Explorer tool enabling users to visualize NTIA's computer and Internet use data by state, with metrics displayed in a national map. Users can easily adjust the map to reflect different datasets, while pressing the "Play" button cycles through datasets to show how the country has changed over time. The map view is available for every metric in Data Explorer, such as use of various devices, locations of Internet use, and online activities.

Mapping Computer and Internet Use by State: Introducing Data Explorer 2.0