Net neutrality advocates plan slow-lane protest

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Several high-profile websites -- including Kickstarter, Etsy, Reddit, Mozilla, and Meetup -- will display spinning-wheel icons on Sept 9 in an attempt to show visitors the Internet slow lanes they say will appear if the Federal Communications Commission doesn't pass strong network neutrality regulations.

The symbolic Internet slowdown will include the dreaded site-loading spinning icon to symbolize what net neutrality advocates believe the Web could look like without strong rules. Participating sites, which won't really slow down their load times, will encourage visitors to call or e-mail US policymakers in support of net neutrality rules. Among the organizations participating in Wednesday's protest will be BitTorrent, BoingBoing, Vimeo, Foursquare and Wordpress, said organizers Demand Progress and Fight for the Future.

Net neutrality advocates plan slow-lane protest