NRECA CEO to Congress: Improve Broadband Programs Crucial to Rural America

Electric cooperatives need Congress to improve critical broadband programs to bring high-speed internet service to rural America, said NRECA CEO Jim Matheson. More than 200 electric co-ops across the US are deploying broadband or developing plans to do so. Matheson asked the committee to make key improvements to broadband programs at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) as it develops the Farm Bill:

  • Make the ReConnect program permanent and easier to access.
  • Provide robust funding for rural broadband through USDA.
  • Prioritize symmetrical speeds and scalable networks in any future rounds of federal funding.
  • Invest in middle mile infrastructure.

Matheson noted that the committee in 2022 advanced the Broadband Internet Connections for Rural America Act to make the ReConnect program permanent. ReConnect provides grants and loans to fund the construction, improvement or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in rural communities. As Congress continues to consider that bill and other legislation, co-ops have recommendations about what the focus should be, Matheson said.

NRECA CEO to Congress: Improve Broadband Programs Crucial to Rural America