One Million Net Neutrality Comments Vs. $42 Million in ISP Lobbying

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Newly released lobbying figures show that broadband providers are still far outpacing Internet companies on spending in DC, as federal regulators consider how to write new rules for Internet lines.

Collectively, Internet service providers (and their trade associations) have spent $42.4 million so far in 2014 on lobbying lawmakers and regulators, according to federal disclosure forms. In the second quarter, Comcast spent $4.45 million on lobbying, while the cable industry’s trade group, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, spent another $4 million.

The discrepancy between the spending by the two industries -- which is nothing new -- continues to be a potential problem for net neutrality advocates who are hoping to convince federal regulators to adopt strong rules on Internet lines to prevent broadband providers from discriminating against some traffic.

One Million Net Neutrality Comments Vs. $42 Million in ISP Lobbying