Overwhelming Support For Public Solutions That Create Affordable And Reliable Internet Access In LA County

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The results from a recent survey of 1,205 Los Angeles County likely voters demonstrate public demand for public solutions that ensure affordable, reliable, and fast internet service is available for everyone. The survey found that internet access is considered a necessity for functioning and participating in society, and there is strong support for government involvement in ensuring these needs are met. While public support for addressing digital equity has been consistently high, this poll brings to the forefront overwhelming support from voters for government involvement in developing public solutions to the challenge of the digital divide. The survey shows that LA County likely voters strongly support robust government involvement in the provision and regulation of high-speed internet service. A large majority (85%) of likely voters support the local government guaranteeing that everyone has access to reliable, fast, and affordable internet service. This support is even higher among Black voters (93%) and Hispanic voters (89%). Additionally, 84% of likely voters support local government initiatives such as offering free Wi-Fi access throughout the community, with Black and Hispanic voters showing even stronger support at 89% and 88%, respectively.


Overwhelming Support For Public Solutions That Create Affordable And Reliable Internet Access In LA County