Paper FCC Record: Why in the World?

The practice of printing hard-copies of the “FCC Record” should be eliminated. To be crystal clear, I am not suggesting that we keep its contents or information from the public.  On the contrary, I suggest that it makes little sense to continue to publish paper copies when other mechanisms are more consumer friendly, cost-efficient, and easier to access.  Instead, the Commission should make its documents centrally located and easier to find for interested parties electronically, making paper copies of the Record unnecessary on a going forward basis.  If Encyclopedia Britannica could eliminate paper versions of their works in 2012, why can’t the FCC do the same for its paper copies in 2018? .... Ultimately, replacing paper copies of the FCC Record with an electronic version would save scarce federal funding, be more accessible for interested parties, and result in less paper waste.  That seems worth the limited effort needed to make it a reality. 

Paper FCC Record: Why in the World?