Proposed bulk billing ban takes heat at Broadband Communities Summit

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Linda Willey, who delivered a keynote address discussing the state of the multifamily industry on behalf of the National Multifamily Housing Council at the Broadband Communities Summit, said a current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposal to ban bulk billing offers a “serious threat for industry operations and the future of affordable broadband access for residents.” Out of over 92,600 units offered at Camden’s properties, Willey said less than .05 percent of residents moved out because of the bulk technology packages offered by Camden, according to recent data from the company. The technology packages offered by Camden include community-wide Wi-Fi, which Willey said is used to enforce the company’s sustainability efforts, monitoring everything from water usage to energy consumption, which is tracked by using smart thermostats. “So, the services are working,” Willey said. “Bulk billing is not deterring our residents’ ability to move into our communities.” Willey said the multifamily industry will need to stand united to oppose the FCC proposal to ban bulk billing, which has also found support from the White House.

Proposed bulk billing ban takes heat at Broadband Communities Summit