In Response to TracFone Lifeline fine, FCC Commissioners Rosenworcel and Starks also call for expanding Lifeline

In statements about the Federal Communications Commission's proposed $6 million fine against TracFone for violating FCC Lifeline program rules, FCC Commissioners Jessica Rosenworcel and Geoffrey Starks called for expanding the Lifeline program. Both agreed the penalty for TracFone was appropriate, but that it is time to have a bigger conversation about Lifeline.  

"In this time of crisis, the FCC should be expanding Lifeline’s reach and scope, including better promoting the program to ensure more qualifying families actually receive these benefits," Commissioner Starks said. "The FCC must coordinate with states and [eligible telecommunications carriers] to ensure they have the resources and expertise necessary to assist social service agencies, schools, homeless shelters, and other places that are trusted in communities across this country to get folks signed up. Given the requirements of social distancing, the FCC also needs to re-imagine how to make struggling Americans aware of the program while many physical spaces are closed or experiencing limitations."

Commissioner Rosenworcel said, "As the coronavirus places new strains on our economy and households across the country, we need to make sure that no one is left behind when it comes to communications. So we have an opportunity to lead with our humanity when it comes to Lifeline. We should seize it. We need to abandon the FCC’s cruel policy proposals to cut off and restrict Lifeline and instead see how we can modernize the program and extend its reach. The FCC has done so before in the face of crisis. I hope that history will remember us for doing so again."

FCC Commissioners Rosenworcel, Starks call for expanding Lifeline