Ubiquitous technologies and 5G development. Who is leading the race?

The introduction of the fifth generation of mobile technology (5G) is expected to bring disruptive changes. These changes will be much more pervasive than any previous introduction of new mobile ‘generations’ and they are expected to influence the whole economy. For this reason, the global rush for 5G technology is not only considered crucial in economic or technological terms, but also for its implications in terms of geopolitics, international policy and national security. This paper presents an analysis of the patents in the most relevant fields of specialization connected to the 5G development. Through studying the technological complexity of the 5G ecosystem and the related implications for competition and innovation, the researchers found that there are few countries at the frontier of the technological development of 5G and lagging countries will face many difficulties to cover the gap.

Ubiquitous technologies and 5G development. Who is leading the race?