USDA Invests $600 Million In Rural Broadband, But Farmers Still Struggle To Connect

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Late in Aug, the US Department of Agriculture announced plans to add $600 million to fund e-Connectivity, a pilot program aimed at bridging the rural digital divide by improving broadband internet access for American farmers. But the rural digital divide is wider than ever, as farmers struggle to run tech-dependent businesses without broadband. On the farm, spotty or limited internet coverage can be a costly problem. “Whether you’re on Wall Street or out here in the middle of Kansas, data equals dollars,” says Shawn Tiffany, owner and operator of Tiffany Cattle, a cattle feedlot located in Herington (KS). 

Tiffany, who sits on the board of a rural telecom provider and is familiar with its business challenges, is sympathetic to the position rural carriers find themselves in as it’s tough to make a financial case for some of these services when the return on investment just isn’t there. That’s why the government funding was put in place to begin with, but Tiffany is worried about the new farm bill funding provisions, saying they seem to favor wireless technology rather than an investment in the necessary infrastructure. “I’m not going to say we'll never get fiber but it's going to make it very very difficult to put [new] fiber in [at this point].”

USDA Invests $600 Million In Rural Broadband, But Farmers Still Struggle To Connect