You are what you Google search
[Commentary] Taken together, the sum total of your Google search history tells an intimate story not only about who you are, but what you want and what you fear. That’s what makes Google’s annual year in search so incredibly interesting. On one hand, the report recaps -- as it always does -- the year in global news: millions of searches for ISIS, Ebola, Robin Williams, the World Cup. But more interesting than these searches, I think, are the quieter glimpses of our collective, unseen id. Things like “how to get rid of stretch marks,” “how to travel alone,” and “what to wear on a first date” -- all of which ranked among Google’s most popular search terms for 2014. “Someone once said that what you look for is way more telling than information about yourself,” the philosopher Luciano Floridi said. “This is something Google and other search engines understood a long time ago."
You are what you Google search