Better policy trumps more spending to tame mobile data explosion

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With heavy data usage becoming mobile operators' biggest problem, the unsustainable practice of building out networks to meet consumer demands will have to give way to throttling the IP core with smarter, more proactive solutions that mitigate the need to continuously invest in cell sites, radio network controllers and fiber-based Ethernet backhaul.

Delivering that type of network intelligence is the goal of a new radio access network (RAN) congestion solution from Openet, designed to enable network congestion "forecasting," to help operators make real-time traffic management decisions before subscriber experience is impacted. The key idea behind the Openet solution is that in order to resolve network congestion, operators must move toward subscriber-aware solutions that not only recognize real-time subscriber behaviors and activities but that also enforce policies that allow them to prioritize customers during busy- or peak-hour times of usage. Rather than arbitrarily block or cap certain users' usage, operators should be able to distinguish premium customers from others and allow revenue-generating activity to continue even if busy-time levels have been exceeded.

Better policy trumps more spending to tame mobile data explosion