TV Stations Cope with Political Ad Overcrowding

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Overcrowding is a perennial problem or, to be more exact, biennial problem for broadcasters and their advertisers. Every even-numbered year, money from candidates, parties and advocacy groups soars, swelling the top line, but creating a headache for station managers that have to cope with excess demand.

Evan Tracey, who tracks political spending at the Campaign Media Analysis Group, believes it will approach a record $3 billion this year with TV stations getting most of it. According to BIA/Kelsey, TV station revenue will rebound to $18.5 billion this year. If $2.5 billion of that is political, the category represents 14% of broadcasters total take. While advertisers may groan at the overcrowding and the higher rates of election season, it's not the windfall for stations they may think it is.

TV Stations Cope with Political Ad Overcrowding