In His Own Words: Julius Genachowski's Vision of Real Net Neutrality

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What does real Network Neutrality look like? Any policy that truly protects the open Internet and its users must embody a few basic concepts:

  • There is only one Internet: Rules must apply to wireless and wired services.
  • Internet service providers must not block applications, content, services or devices.
  • Strong non-discrimination rules are key to preserving the open Internet.
  • Paid prioritization is harmful because it allows ISPs to pick winners and losers online.
  • "Reasonable Network Management" cannot be a loophole that undermines the open Internet.
  • "Managed services" cannot be allowed to stifle the growth of the open Internet.
  • Users, not ISPs, should determine which applications need Quality of Service treatment.

In His Own Words: Julius Genachowski's Vision of Real Net Neutrality