People Spend More Than Half Their Day Consuming Media

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More has changed in media consumption over the last two years than in the 30 years that proceeded it, Bruce Friend, president of Ipsos OTX MediaCT said.

Citing a new Ipsos OTX study of 7,000 online consumers ages 13 to 74, Friend said that thanks to smartphones and laptops, people are now spending one-half of their waking days interacting with media, and have increased their media consumption by an hour per day over the last two years. That's more time than they spend working or sleeping. And this rabid consumption only stands to intensify as second-generation devices become more ubiquitous. According to the study, 24 percent of people now own a web-enabled smartphone, while cellphone ownership has fallen from 81 percent to 65 percent since 2009.

People Spend More Than Half Their Day Consuming Media