Waxman: Title II is 'imperfect,' but 'we just don't have any other recourse'
House Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman (C-CA) and Rep Jay Inslee (D-WA) restated their calls for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to move forward with Title II regulation of broadband services.
The regulatory path they are suggesting would place broadband companies under certain rules that apply to telephones, which the companies see as too onerous. Chairman Waxman restated that if Congress can't reach a compromise on broadband issues, the FCC should move forward. "Then, I think the only course of action will be for the FCC to act on its own. As imperfect as that may be, as uncertain as that may be because of possible lawsuits, we just don't have any other recourse," he said.
Waxman: Title II is 'imperfect,' but 'we just don't have any other recourse'