Agencies Progress in Implementing Recent Legislation, but Enhancements Could Improve Future Plans

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Under the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 (PRO-IP Act), Congress required the U.S. Attorney General, through the Department of Justice (DOJ), to devote additional resources and undertake other specific IP efforts. The PRO-IP Act also created the position of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC) to enhance interagency coordination. The act mandates that GAO provide Congress with a report on the efforts of DOJ and the IPEC.

This status report addresses DOJ and Office of the IPEC's efforts to implement the act. The report also compares the 2010 Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement to the content called for in the PRO-IP Act. GAO examined relevant documents, interviewed agency staff and officials, and compared agency actions and the 2010 strategic plan with the PRO-IP Act. GAO recommends that the IPEC, in consultation with the Interagency Intellectual Property Enforcement Advisory Committee, take steps to ensure that future joint strategic plans identify implementing departments and agencies for all priorities and related action items and establish resource estimates to carry out the plan's priorities. (GAO-11-39)

Agencies Progress in Implementing Recent Legislation, but Enhancements Could Improve Future Plans