Rupert Murdoch grilled about donations

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Questions about two $1 million political donations to groups with ties to the Republican Party took over a good portion of the News Corp. annual shareholder meeting Oct 15.

Faced with criticism that the donations had political motivations and no business benefits, chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch said "a fair amount of change" in Washington was "in the interest of the country and all the shareholders." He also argued that they have "nothing to do with the editorial policies or the journalism" that the company provides.

Sir Rod Eddington, News Corp.'s audit committee head who came under pressure ahead of the meeting due to the donations, also told shareholders that the donations decisions were made with shareholder interests in mind after input from executives and the general counsel. "I understand the concerns and the calls for transparency," he said. Asked if the company will provide disclosures on political donations in the future, he said "that's something the board will consider."

Rupert Murdoch grilled about donations