Rep Upton: I'll Block Net Rules Even If FCC Has Authority

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Rep Fred Upton (R-MI) reiterated his opposition to Federal Communications Commission network neutrality rules and said that opposition holds whether or not the FCC has the legal authority to do so.

"I will block the FCC from regulating the Internet," he headlined item number five in his itemized pledge for what he would do as chairman of the House Commerce Committee. Echoing his consistent criticisms, Rep Upton said: "The FCC's regulatory compass must be broken as it continues in its unrelenting pursuit to impose so-called network neutrality regulations, regardless of whether the agency has the legal authority for such a blind power grab, and whether such regulations will actually undermine the FCC's ability to achieve the goals of the National Broadband Plan. The FCC must stand down from pursuing a course unauthorized and opposed by Congress," he said.

Rep Upton: I'll Block Net Rules Even If FCC Has Authority