Rep Dingell tells FCC to give up data roaming rule, questions broadband authority

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Rep John Dingell (D-MI) slammed a proposal by the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission to force national wireless carriers to provide roaming services for customers of regional service providers.

Rep Dingell said the proposal, introduced last spring, would face legal challenges because of the FCC's questionable authority to impose rules on broadband services. The FCC is expected to vote on data roaming rules as early as next month. "I remain concerned that you continue to over-interpret the statutory authority granted to the commission by the Congress," Rep Dingell wrote in a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski. "Further consultation with the Congress on this and other matters is desperately needed to avoid a glorious mess of litigation." Rep Dingell said he disagrees with Genachowski's proposal to reassert its oversight of broadband service providers, a measure that has attracted criticism from Republicans and some Democrats.

Rep Dingell tells FCC to give up data roaming rule, questions broadband authority