Groups Push FCC to be Bold in National Broadband Plan
A coalition of public interest and consumer groups is urging the Federal Communications Commission to include a set of bold benchmarks and policies in the agency's upcoming National Broadband Plan.
The public interest and consumer coalition urged the Commission, at minimum, embrace the following five benchmarks:
1) The FCC should set a goal that U.S. broadband adoption of world- class networks shall equal to current rate of telephone adoption (over 90%) by 2020.
2) The FCC should set a goal of substantially improving the level of competition between providers of broadband Internet access to move the country out of a stagnant duopoly by the end of 2012.
3) The FCC should set a goal of establishing real consumer protections for broadband customers within 12-18 months.
4) The FCC should set a goal of implementing new broadband data collection standards and rules for utilizing that data in market analyses by the end of 2010.
5) The FCC should set a goal of establishing rules protecting open markets for speech and commerce on broadband networks as soon as feasible.
Benton Foundation CEO Charles Benton said, "In addition to promoting jobs and economic development, the ARRA's broadband stimulus programs should help develop community-based models for broadband deployment, adoption and meaningful use in unserved and underserved populations. The private sector alone has not gotten us to universal broadband, a requirement for everyone to be able to participate fully in our economy and civic life. What we learn from the successes and failures of BTOP and BIP funding will help shape the government's future role in broadband rollout and adoption for years to come."
Groups Push FCC to be Bold in National Broadband Plan One month before deadline, groups pressure FCC to set strong broadband goals (The Hill)